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作为一名妇女和性别研究的学生, you will gain a profound understanding of how to influence ongoing political and economic inequalities. You’ll explore how media and marketing construct women and disempowered bodies in manipulative ways as you learn that feminism is about addressing institutionalized inequality for all people. 在查塔姆国际事务研究所研究这些话题尤其有益, as issues related to gender are at the forefront of Chatham’s identity and mission.
Degrees Offered
  • BA
Program School

One of the most amazing things about the women’s and gender studies program is the kind of wonderful, intelligent, 这个项目吸引了富有同情心的人. From the incredible professors to my peers who have shared the most powerful insights on intersectionality, 我从这里的人们身上学到了很多. Not only have I come to a better understanding of myself and my own gender, it has also expanded the ways I think about community power as a way of disrupting structural oppression and fostering empathy. It has really prepared me to go out and turn all the theory I’ve learned in the classroom into praxis in the real world. 


Photo of a group of students and instructor posing together at the front of a classroom


Chatham’s Women’s Leadership in the 21st Century course is an interdisciplinary seminar that’s open to all undergraduates (who have taken one of the prerequisites), and, according to course instructor and director of the 波胆网站妇女研究所, Jessie Ramey, Ph.D., “the jewel in the crown of our women’s leadership certificate program.”


The major in women’s and gender studies offers students the opportunity for the interdisciplinary study of women’s contributions to society and women’s experiences in diverse cultures, politics, 历史时期. Students seek to understand the new scholarship on women and the new intellectual frameworks, methodologies, 女权主义理论将性别视为一种社会建构.

  • The interdisciplinary curriculum touches on many different topics through the lens of gender issues, 这使得这个项目成为大多数其他专业的一个很好的补充, 包括心理学, English, political science, business, and marketing.
  • 学生受益于资源的 波胆网站妇女研究所, 这就提供了机会, 包括编程, 女性领导能力证书, 参与社区活动, 以及一个女性领导力生活学习社区.
  • The Women’s Institute offers small grants to support students’ gender-related research and creative projects, 以及在会议上展示这些项目的支持.
  • 由妇女研究所共同赞助并在校园内放映, Just Films is an annual series that shows documentaries focused on gender equity and social justice, 经常第一次在匹兹堡展出.

Queer Theory

酷儿理论适用于所有人. 我们探讨性别和性身份如何与种族相交, class and ethnicity by examining the cultural representations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, 文学作品中的变性人, film, 历史和社会运动. Students will also become conversant with the arguments and critical terms used in the field of queer theory.


This course is designed to examine current issues and policies that impact the lives of women and to explore methods of creating or modifying policies. This course will use a comparative policy framework to explore the strengths and weaknesses of current interventions regarding their promotion of social and economic justice.

Feminist Theory

This course is designed to provide students with a critical introduction to the historical development and current controversies of feminist theory including global feminism and women’s bodies as a site of contestation. It includes a comprehensive summary of the diverse and interdisciplinary philosophical strains that make up the intellectual heritage of modern feminism. 


Our Faculty

如果用一个词最好地概括查塔姆国际事务学院的能力,那就是“敬业”. Professors bring experiences to relate the course lessons to real-world situations.

Full Faculty
般若Paramita Parasher的照片
Professor, Chair, Arts, 设计和沟通以及项目主管, 电影与数字技术和平面设计
Alexandra Reznik摄
Assistant Professor of Humanities, Women’s and Gender Studies Program Coordinator
图为一群波胆网站的女生, coming together at a networking event for the Center for Women's Entrepreneurship.


查塔姆是 足球波胆平台, the 宾夕法尼亚妇女与政治中心以及妇女商务中心. 这些中心为学生赞助项目, such as NEW (National Education for Women’s) Leadership Pennsylvania™, an educational program for young women to learn how to be active citizens and how to influence public policy.

照片中的学生戴着眼镜,头发鲜红, 在波胆网站的演讲厅里用笔记本电脑工作


除了其他基于成绩的奖励和奖学金, 查塔姆国际事务研究所为女性领袖提供奖励和奖学金, including the Hollander Student Award and the Heffer Family Scholarship.

Photo of a female Chatham University student with a name tag and blazer, 在社交活动中与西装革履的男士握手.


The certificate in women's leadership offered by the Women's Institute at Chatham University is a multi-disciplinary program designed to equip students with the theory, skills, 以及领导力的实践. Students earning a certificate will be prepared to take on leadership roles in their chosen fields and beyond, from business, politics, science, 从艺术到医疗保健, education, non-profits, NGO’s, and more.

探索女性领袖证书 棋盘4 -妇女领导证书
Photo of a female Chatham University student with a name tag and blazer, 在社交活动中与西装革履的男士握手.


Chatham University has been recognized as the newest chapter (Zeta Zeta) of the National Women's & 性别研究荣誉学会,爱荷华州爱荷华州.k.a. Triota). 一个有150多个分会的国家荣誉协会, Triota的宗旨是鼓励和支持奖学金, excellence, 以及妇女和性别研究中的激进主义.

在查塔姆了解特里奥塔 棋盘5 -三角荣誉协会
Photo of a woman presenting in front of a banner that reads Chatham University's Women's Institute

Women's Institute

The Women's Institute continues the legacy of Chatham University's historic commitment to women's leadership and gender equity. It serves as a hub to draw together the university's broad range of gender initiatives, resources, 以及学术项目. Through education, research, and outreach, WI在整个校园和社区开展工作,促进社会发展, political, 经济平等. 



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